It is impossible to arrive if you never start!

How many professional students are there who never begin their life? You probably know some dreamers who never take their ideas or thoughts to the next step and act on them. I know I do.

It is a very simple thing to do, getting started. Just take the step.
One step at a time but ALWAYS KEEP MOVING FORWARD! (Yes I am yelling it).

From my own experience I have dreams, ideas, inventions and creative thoughts that should  be the next best thing since sliced bread. But I have learned over the years that I would go just far enough, just short of making the real commitment to MAKING IT HAPPEN FOR ME! But when looking back, I realize that the successes that I have had have been when I would make a full commitment to making “it” happen. Whatever “it” was at the time. I have had several major successes.

But the others…never got beyond a refined idea, and maybe a little movement toward making it happen.
Then dropped. I am not sure of course how many of these ideas might have been successful had I moved them forward with more committed efforts.

Here’s a short story example. I have been a Real Estate Broker since 1984. In the first couple of years I had gotten down in cash flow to being beyond broke. I was headed to a “closing” that would give me a $650 in commission (early 1985 and a small sale). The problem was that I had to drive 30 miles to get a signature, then 30 miles back to the closing. On the trip back I noticed my car was on empty and I had $2 in my pocket. Hell it was $2 to my name! I dropped the cash in gas and just made it to the “closing” riding  on fumes with panic adrenaline pumping through me.

After the closing I had to borrow $4 from my broker until the check would clear. Later I had become the top producer and had successes in real estate sales. But if I had not made the step to get that deal, and then follow through no matter what, then the remaining success would not have happened.

Commit and…go get ’em!


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