The 6 Steps Training Begins Today

July 9, 2010

Really? Just follow 6 Steps and I can FIND a JOB before anyone else knows about it.
Sure. O.K. Just more hype right? Wrong.

Everyone is either taught or wanders around until they end up following the rest of the lemmings that line up at the human resource department’s front door (literally or figuratively). Only to meet The Gatekeeper! And then The HR Gatekeeper and then get’s caught in the mystical resume filtering process. You need a better plan and guess what?There is a better plan!

The Plan is based on gathered experiences from so-called experts in various segments of the business world, add in a lot  of my 25+ years of management and hiring, highly successful sales experience of getting to Real Decision Makers and we/you end up with a powerful PLAN that can help you FIND the JOB you want or need. The key here is that we virtually ignore HR and the Gatekeepers until we get to the Real Decision Makers.
We don’t want them or need them, for the most part. But if we do need them it will be more on our terms.

The proof is in all of the Ads you have responded to online or in the papers, the calls you have made, maybe the attempts to drop in and see them…and they have all pretty much failed. Even if you get an appointment, if it is NOT with the Real decision Maker…then it is a waste of time. There are 12-15 Million people doing the same thing you are.

TIP #1: In the words of Henny Youngman (an old-time comedian); If it hurts when you do THAT…DON’T DO THAT!TIP#2: Do this; Follow the plan I will be laying out for you in the next ten days and I promise you that you will have a real chance of meeting with the one person in the company you want to work for. If you can meet that real decision maker…then you will be able to pitch yourself and even create a job position where there may not have been one before you sat down with them. The Plan is going to include step by step procedures for locating the businesses, locating the job possibilities, and most importantly who the real decision makers are.  How about coffee or tea with the CEO at the country club? Maybe a quick lunch with the manager at the local sub shop?

Think about this training as being your passport to the Insiders Good Old Boy Club. These people, usually the owners or decision makers in the corporations, will hire their friends before they will hire people they don’t know. If they like you, feel you are on their level/standing/commonality then they will find a place for you.
I will be teaching you how get inside the good old boy’s club.

Here is what you are really facing:
1. The jobs that are posted are in many cases already committed. The HR person is posting them just as a bureaucratic formality.
2. According to a news report on July 2nd, if you are not currently employed even through no act of your own, the companies are setting your resume aside. In large companies no one is being hired if they are not currently employed. A catch-22 again. I have solution for that. It will be covered in the next few days.
3. There are the 12-15 Million job competitors. But we can teach you how to get around them. “Leave them in your dust!”
4. Specific qualifications demand may or may not be needed today. But maybe they are being planned for “when  the economy recovers better.” The job is there…we will show you how to pull it out of them NOW! (Or at least sooner  rather than later).
5. The average Joe and Josephine’s general lack of resume writing skills, especially when one size/style does not fit all. That’s covered too.
6. How to find the opportunities through a few really good and detailed databases you may not know about. How to read them and how to assemble your top prospect list. How to prioritize them, build your plan, and how to implement it. It’s the answer to; What do I do now?

There are many new things that you will learn that I am confident you had no idea how to do. It is all here in the this training.  More to come.

 Do you have any specific requests or areas of job hunting that you would like more detail?
Just add your comments or questions.

TONS more content is coming!

Steve Bullock

Want the book now instead of later? Send me an email or sign up.
NOTE: We will never sell email lists.

“…it takes brave men and women.”

June 27, 2010

“Whatever you do, you need courage. Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising that tempt you to believe your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires some of the same courage that a soldier needs…it takes brave men and women.”
–Ralph Waldo Emerson

Do you depend on yourself or on others? Are you a lemming or a leader? It is O.K. to be either, but the leader and self actualized human being lives their life…not someone else’s. As RWE says above; “To map out a course of action and follow it to an end…it takes brave men and women.”

But many people simply can not find the map or even know where they are going in life, but simply drift as the time moves forward. Yes some things like family and doing their work all play a role, but what about your personal life’s objective? The thing(s) you want to accomplish. The people you want to impact or affect?

I remember at about 14 years old, my mother asked me what I wanted to do in my life?
“Everything.” I answered. Maybe I could have been a little more specific. But I meant to say I wanted to make something happen for me and experience all of life. Good or bad that is how I have lived my life so far.

I have found that living life in blocks of time is realistic. In my case about every 5-7 years, I would make a change. Then go another direction in my life. Take another path. But every path was planned out, as best one can plan when facing the unknown. I have been most successful when I committed to following the course of action.

Do you have a plan? A course of action?

It starts with a firm desire to do something. The specifics of which you must determine.
But maybe this may help:
A. Without any consideration for ANYONE else, what is it that interests you?
     (It does not have to be something grand. Simple is O.K. too).
B. Considering that one day you will be fertilizer and there will be nothing left of your life, what do you want to do   
before you die? Will you have accomplished anything you had dreamed of as a child or young adult?
C. Do you want or need a challenge? If so, what is it? 

Maybe it is being your own boss, or better yet, in control of your life. Ask yourself why or what is causing your life to not be in your control?

I have found that there are three principal reasons people consider their life as fulfilled:
1. They have love in their life. It may take various shapes but it is still there.
2. They have control of at least some of the direction their life is taking.
3. They have accomplished something. Either for themselves or others.

Numbers 2 & 3 are ones we can address. In the next few weeks I will be discussing the How To Find  Job In a Down Economy which will help with number two.

A SPECIAL OFFERING: You can download the 60 page e-book FREE. Simply send me an email at and with a tag line anywhere that says; SEND ME THE JOB BOOK! and will send you a link to the book. If you are needing a job or wanting a new job then you need to read this. I have a different approach for you. It is a plan no one else is teaching and it is powerful enough to get you past the HR person and to put you in front of the Decision Maker. It is a process and plan you can follow. It will help you gain control of your economic life. 

And the best part…IT IS FREE!

I will be adding posts on the How To Find  A Job shortly, but you don’t need to wait.
You can get it now! …It sells for $15.95 but it is FREE! to my blog readers.

“…Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.” – Helen Keller

June 24, 2010

“Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.”
–Helen Keller

Maybe these words mean something when we stop and think about them. But what about actually implementing them? How are you at living a daring and adventurous life? It is a choice. Do you choose to go all in, as the gamblers say, or do you choose to muddle along? I know I have lived cycles of both. Muddling is easy. All in is not easy, but it does give you something to remember about your life.

Mere risk, or the slightest chance of failure, should never stop you from living your life. I know people who never take a risk of any kind. That is boring to me. But I suppose it must O.K. with them, or they would change it. But to me, no risk equals no excitement. No risk means following everyone else like a lemming. Since you are unique to the world and are here because you got lucky in the life lottery, then shouldn’t you do something with your life that means something?

A meaningful life can be easy for some and of course harder for others to define. One thing I have learned is that life is not stagnant by it’s very nature. Life means to live. If that means taking on a NEW daring adventure, then shouldn’t we do it?

As a child my mother would tell me to “go fo it” and my dad would say “be careful you might fail.”
Talk about confusing! So in parts of my life I have tried and failed. I have also tried and succeeded.
Success if a lot better. At one time I would not move to the next level of commitment because I could hear my dad saying “…you might fail” and my interpretation of it was almost like it was an expectation to fail. 

Life was boring. Don’t try because you will fail. Well guess what; my dad was not wrong but my interpretation of what he was saying was completely wrong. What he should have offered was; what ever you do, plan it, be aware of pitfalls and conquer them.

There is usually a real reason for what people term as failure. [I hate that word by the way]. If you can anticipate the potential reason(s) for failure then you can account for them, and reduce them. If you can not eliminate or reduce them, then look to plan “B” or simply make it happen.

Try it. Live a daring and adventurous life. What is stopping you?

What is important in your life?

June 15, 2010

What do you place highest at the list of priorities in your life? Maybe the top 3 things?

Think about it. How are you doing at keeping them there?

Your life, as you know it? Add egos…and wow!

June 14, 2010

We all want to be heard. We all want to share our ideas and/or thoughts. Of course we believe that our opinion is the MOST important one in the world.  That’s cool. But maybe doing a fact check is a good thing to do…before we open our mouth.

Fact checking. A few years ago John Stossell, a reporter on 20/20, began reporting on facts vs. what we believe to be true. He also discussed where these ideas come from. His facts were hard to challenge. His interpretations may be subject to argument, but the facts weren’t. He also wrote a companion book.

The bottom line is that what we “believe we know” is; a compilation of what we are told by informed and/or uninformed people including friends, relatives, news reporters, people with their own agendas, and more learned experiences.

Have ever heard of attribution error?

Attribution error is a true analysis…based on false or incomplete information.

All of these things create the world that we believe we live in.

I see these things as almost a parallel universe to reality. Hear me out. We build these pictures and opinions from our experiences, provided information, other beliefs that are assumed to be correct, and more.

Imagine that we live in a metaphorical glass tube that’s maybe 6 ft. in diameter cylinder that is always around us.
When we experience or learn something we will paste a picture of our interpretation on the inside of the glass.
Once we have learned many things, the glass becomes covered. Inside the glass we end up with a small opening for us to see new things, and to be able to accurately interpret life as we see it.
All of the previous learned messages and postings clutter the image of our world.

These are the things that become our reality.

The problem is that many of our ideas are based on incorrect or incomplete information.
So the pictures we base our lives on may not always be true.

So ask yourself; where did I learn that? Is it really 100% accurate, mostly accurate, or accurate enough that it justifies what I already believe (whether that is correct or not)? Apply this analysis to your next conversation.

So, the basic question must be; BASED ON WHAT?

There were some researchers who wanted to test a frog’s response and reaction time. They placed the frog on a starting line and then slammed their hands on the desk.
The frog jumped 20 feet!
Then they cut off it’s front legs. They put him down and slammed the desk!
The frog jumped only 15 feet. They hurriedly made their detailed notes.
They then cut off one back leg and placed him carefully on the line again.
SLAM! The frog jumped 3 ft and a little sideways. They looked at each in amazement. Their heads dropped to their note boards and they carefully documented the frogs reaction in their notes.
They cut off the last leg.
The frog didn’t move.
Nothing. The frog just looked at them. They looked back.
They stepped to the corner of the room, where the frog could not hear them talking about him.
Suddenly they came back and looked at each other.
“Agreed?” In unison they all said “yes.”
Hands to their note boards, they wrote: FROG WITH NO LEGS…CANNOT HEAR.

That is attribution error.

Something to consider.

A Few Titles From Fresh Life Publishing

June 9, 2010

 I have attached some covers of books that we offer.
You may finds something here that suits you.
Take a look.


Lose 10-100 Lbs Quickly! FREE DOWNLOAD

FIRE YOUR BOSS! Make you own money! 24 Ways to do it!
Make $10K-$50K Next month!

Content On It’s Way!

June 8, 2010

I am working on the finishing touches of my 24 Ways To Make Money…NOW! training.
It is coming along great!

The training will be broken down into two major segments.

The First Segment; 6 hours of condensed training showing you how to look for deals, make them work for you., how to brainstorm a deal, hunting, locating and building your own referral database, how to turn that network into huge profits!

The Second Segment(s); includes you choice of any one of the 24 Ways To Make Money…NOW! in detail.  The detail will be specific to the category and is typically in-depth.

Once you have completed both segments you can go out there and make maybe $5K, $10K to $20K this month or next. No Problem!

Huge profits from some traditional and not so traditional businesses. But the most important thing is…
you will learn all of the details to go make it happen for you! Instead of letting it happen to you.

I will keep you posted.


Keep moving forward!

June 6, 2010

I have a friend who is also a dreamer but can also implement his ideas into successes. Among many thousands of good and not so good ideas he developed a novelty beer that sells especially well around Kentucky Derby (April/May) at convenience stores and gas stations especially along the interstate. The problem getting started was the name. When he would mention the name he would receive little positive responses from breweries and snooty business people. But after relentless efforts he found a brewer that needed to sell some additional beer. So they began brewing the beer and bottling it for him. It has now become a modest success. But it is because he had the idea, the dream and moved it forward one step at a time always moving forward not allowing anyone to deter him, including me. The beer at issue?

Horse Piss Beer. Kentucky’s Finest!  (

If he can make horse piss a success, you can do anything!

Keep moving forward.

It is impossible to arrive if you never start!

June 6, 2010

How many professional students are there who never begin their life? You probably know some dreamers who never take their ideas or thoughts to the next step and act on them. I know I do.

It is a very simple thing to do, getting started. Just take the step.
One step at a time but ALWAYS KEEP MOVING FORWARD! (Yes I am yelling it).

From my own experience I have dreams, ideas, inventions and creative thoughts that should  be the next best thing since sliced bread. But I have learned over the years that I would go just far enough, just short of making the real commitment to MAKING IT HAPPEN FOR ME! But when looking back, I realize that the successes that I have had have been when I would make a full commitment to making “it” happen. Whatever “it” was at the time. I have had several major successes.

But the others…never got beyond a refined idea, and maybe a little movement toward making it happen.
Then dropped. I am not sure of course how many of these ideas might have been successful had I moved them forward with more committed efforts.

Here’s a short story example. I have been a Real Estate Broker since 1984. In the first couple of years I had gotten down in cash flow to being beyond broke. I was headed to a “closing” that would give me a $650 in commission (early 1985 and a small sale). The problem was that I had to drive 30 miles to get a signature, then 30 miles back to the closing. On the trip back I noticed my car was on empty and I had $2 in my pocket. Hell it was $2 to my name! I dropped the cash in gas and just made it to the “closing” riding  on fumes with panic adrenaline pumping through me.

After the closing I had to borrow $4 from my broker until the check would clear. Later I had become the top producer and had successes in real estate sales. But if I had not made the step to get that deal, and then follow through no matter what, then the remaining success would not have happened.

Commit and…go get ’em!


Don’t Ever Give Up.

June 3, 2010

How many time have you seen someone slow down or give up just before the end, and miss out or not win? You even see it in the Olympics. I had a friend of mine, Dave Murphy who taught me that to reach perfection or completion is just that extra 10% effort. Don’t ever give up.

In sales one has to determine the best time to ‘fold em’ or to cut your losses and move to the next opportunity. This is a lack of planning. Statistically there is almost always a reasonable chance to find a sale within a block of choices. Let’s suppose you were knocking door in a subdivision, maybe selling roofs or as a Realtor looking for properties to sell. Suppose there are 100 homes. There should be several legit opportunities there. But so many time people make assumptions, become call reluctant and then stop before covering all of them. If every opportunity was faced, then it simply makes sense that there is business there somewhere. Give up too early and you lose. There could be 3 deals there but if you have only contacted (knocked) 20 out of the 100 and got nothing…then the other three could be the next ones or at least between doors 21-100. Get complete coverage and you win! Never give up.